When You Come To A Fork In The Road

Media tells us that life should be easy. That someone should save us or give us a break when we make a misstep.

But the fact is we are resilient, we don’t need someone else to make us feel what we have inside: Our true strength.

When we choose to face the hard events, instead of throw in the towel, we end up with an incredible life.

Although, as we travel through that life we don’t get to know the big picture. Or if there is a point. Or be reassured that there’s a way to be safe.
Trying to protect ourselves, by going the safe, shielded or predictable route, keeps us from experiencing anything, including anything good.

This is what drew me to meditation.
It is the process in which I’ve watched people find their true power and work from that place, instead of their scared or overwhelmed minds.  There’s an attractive quality of self-assurance and strength you get when looking within for guidance and trusting that direction.  You don’t have all the answers suddenly, but you begin to walk sure-footed trusting that the next step will lead you to the next right step.

It’s guaranteed that sometimes life doesn’t work out to our expectations.  In fact sometimes it gives us such horrifying experiences even society encourages us to live in a state of victimhood forever; retelling our story of pain and even using it to identify ourselves.  But there’s no power in that.  That keeps us small instead of growing through those events putting to work our powerful inner strength.

Sometimes you need to lose it to find it.  And what you find, isn’t always what you lost.

After these events we can feel lost or abandoned.  Meditation is a best friend as it connects me to myself to find that inner power to pick myself up again.

If you’re still reading this, I commend you.  You’re someone unafraid of changing their story.
Because sometimes we just start to care less about being right, and care a whole lot more about being happy.

Hind-sight has many people saying that the struggles in life were their most empowering times.
And although tough love may bruise our ego; sometimes we’re in a place where getting a little offended or pissed off is the spark that ignites us to make the change.

My personal preference is to circle back around from ‘pissed-off’ to loving-kindness as soon as possible, a lot more can more inspiration vs. external motivation.

Let a smile out and make it a great day.


Qelsey Zeeper
Founder | MainstreamMeditation

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