Meditation Benefits

Overcome stress

(University of Massachusetts Medical School, 2003)

Improve digestion & lower blood pressure

(Harvard Medical School)

Overcome anxiety, depression & anger

(Psychosomatic Medicine, 2009)

Boost your creativity

(ScienceDaily, 2010)

Decrease perception of pain

(Wake Forest University School of Medicine, 2010)

Increase focus and attention

(University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007)

Improve sex life and increase libido

(Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2009)

Cultivate healthy habits & weightloss

(Journal Emotion, 2007)

Why I Started Mainstream Meditation


Morning Meditation


“We know that lasting well-being cannot be achieved by short-term interventions, but rather that enduring changes in the mind must be systematically cultivated and sustained.  This can be accomplished by incorporating simple meditation into one’s daily routine.”

– Dr. Richard Davidson, Time Magazine “The 100 Most Influential People in the World” (2006)

Benefits of Meditation

Scientifically Proven To:

1. Overcome stress

(University of Massachusetts Medical School, 2003)

2. Boost your creativity

(ScienceDaily, 2010)

3. Improve your sex life and increase your libido

(The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2009)

4. Cultivate healthy habits that lead to weight loss

(Journal Emotion, 2007)

5. Improve digestion and lower blood pressure

(Harvard Medical School)

6. Decrease your risk of heart attack

(The Stroke Journal, 2009)

7. Help overcome anxiety, depression, anger & confusion

(Psychosomatic Medicine, 2009)

8. Decrease perception of pain and improve cognitive processing

(Wake Forest University School of Medicine, 2010)

9. Increase your focus and attention

(University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007)

10. Increase the size of your most important organ— your brain!

(HarvardGazette, 2006)

Psychological Benefits
  1. Builds self-confidence
  2. Increases serotonin levels
  3. Resolve phobias and fears
  4. Helps direct thoughts
  5. Helps with focus and concentration
  6. Increases creativity
  7. Increased brain wave coherence
  8. Improves learning ability and memory
  9. Increased feelings of vitality and rejuvenation
  10. Increased emotional stability
  11. Improves relationships and communication
  12. Mind ages at a slower rate
  13. Develops Intuition
  14. Improves leadership
  15. Able to see a larger point of view
  16. Develops will-power
  17. Develops emotional maturity
  18. Grows a stable, more balanced personality
  19. Greater tolerance and patience with others & self
  20. Gives composure to act vs. react
  21. Need less sleep to feel rested
  22. Decreased tendency to worry
  23. Helps make more accurate assessments
  24. Decrease in restlessness
  25. Solution for insomnia
Physiological Benefits
  1. Lowers oxygen consumption rate
  2. Decreases respiratory rate
  3. Increases blood flow
  4. Decreases heart rate
  5. Leads to a deeper level of physical relaxation
  6. Good for people with high blood pressure
  7. Reduces anxiety attacks by lowering overactive amygdala
  8. Enhances the immune system
  9. Helps lessen chronic pain
  10. Helps in post-operative healing
  11. Decreases muscle tension (clenched muscles in hands, shoulders/neck, jaw, stomach and chest)
  12. Reduces pre-menstrual symptoms
  13. Reduces activity of viruses and emotional distress
  14. Drop in cholesterol levels by reducing the release of stress hormones (cortisol) that damage your cells; lowering risk of cardiovascular disease
  15. Helps with weight loss and supports cultivating health habits
  16. Decreases inflammation
  17. Increased oxygenation, and easier breathing
  18. Higher levels of DHEAS (Dehydroepiandrosterone)
  19. Proactive apporach to reducing headaches and migraines
  20. Increases grey-matter of the hippocampus with regular practice
  21. Harmonize your endocrine system
  22. Reducing need for medical care
  23. Greater orderliness of brain functioning
  24. Relaxes the nervous system
  25. Helps infertility: Women living with constant stress produce prolactin, cortisol and other hormones, which can interfere with regular ovulation.
Personal Benefits
  1. Helps keep events in perspective
  2. Provides peace of mind
  3. Helps you discover your purpose
  4. Increase your compassion for others & yourself
  5. Developing inner wisdom
  6. Increases self-actualization
  7. Deeper understanding of your mind
  8. Brings body, mind, and spirit into harmony
  9. Helps the practice of forgiveness
  10. Changes point of view towards life
  11. Helps you live in the present
  12. Creates a widening, deepening capacity for love
  13. Increases the synchronicity in life
  14. Allows the experience of ‘One-ness’
  15. Striving towards enlightened sensations
  16. Increases self acceptance
  17. Discovery of power and consciousness beyond the ego
  18. Deeper level of spiritual relaxation
  19. Deeper relationship with nature
  20. Greater inner-guidance
  21. Allows the inner sense of “assurance” – that deep down everything is okay
  22. Reduces pattern of judgment
  23. Allows one to ‘let go’ and begin to release the grasp of negative feelings
  24. Opens one to new ideas
  25. Shifts to being happier with reality, what is.

Get Started

The 8-Week Meditation Course


Best of Meditation




Jack's story


“It’s no longer just your spiritual friend saying you should try meditation; it’s your doctor.”

– Lodro Rinzler, author

Blog Posts

Peaceful Meditator

Hi Friends, Qelsey from Mainstream Meditation here. People have asked me about having to do a meditation everyday. Every day is great, but if you miss it today then do it tomorrow. What you will notice that if you meditate every day for a week or 21 days or a month...

My Rant

How Are You Today? Where are you today? On your wellness-journey or conscious-seeking-path are you feeling LIBERATED or CONFINED? That is today's question. When we start looking outside for our answers from the belief that with nothing on top / nothing added, we are...

Finding Your Hero

Hi Friends, Qelsey from Mainstream Meditation here. Did you know we can use meditation as a tool to train our nervous system to feel good? When we practice good feelings every day we start the conditioning process to change our dominate state. The capacity to manage...

Finding Your Power

When You Come To A Fork In The Road Media tells us that life should be easy. That someone should save us or give us a break when we make a misstep. But the fact is we are resilient, we don't need someone else to make us feel what we have inside: Our true strength....

Digestive Health

Hi Friends, Qelsey from Mainstream Meditation here. Let’s talk about our tummies! We love food and we love to feel good. What interrupts that? Eating food in a stressed state and eating food that acts like a drug (gets us high & happy only to make us free-fall from...

Digestive Health

Hi Friends, Qelsey from Mainstream Meditation here. Let’s talk about our tummies! We love food and we love to feel good. What interrupts that? Eating food in a stressed state and eating food that acts like a drug (gets us high & happy only to make us free-fall from...

Finding Your Power

When You Come To A Fork In The Road Media tells us that life should be easy. That someone should save us or give us a break when we make a misstep. But the fact is we are resilient, we don't need someone else to make us feel what we have inside: Our true strength....

Finding Your Hero

Hi Friends, Qelsey from Mainstream Meditation here. Did you know we can use meditation as a tool to train our nervous system to feel good? When we practice good feelings every day we start the conditioning process to change our dominate state. The capacity to manage...

My Rant

How Are You Today? Where are you today? On your wellness-journey or conscious-seeking-path are you feeling LIBERATED or CONFINED? That is today's question. When we start looking outside for our answers from the belief that with nothing on top / nothing added, we are...

Peaceful Meditator

Hi Friends, Qelsey from Mainstream Meditation here. People have asked me about having to do a meditation everyday. Every day is great, but if you miss it today then do it tomorrow. What you will notice that if you meditate every day for a week or 21 days or a month...